Scientific Program

Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend World Congress on Regulations of Nanotechnology Chicago, Illinois, USA.

  • Nano-Biomaterials | Bio Nanotechnology | Nano Pharmaceuticals | Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology | Nano Biomolecular Engineering | Nanomedicine | Regulation of Nanotechnology
Location: USA


Shaker A Mousa

Albany college of Pharmacy and Health Science, USA


Saeed Soltanali holds a PhD from SUNY at Buffalo in 1978 and BS from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering at the University of Maryland (UMD) and has been a visiting Professor at UMD, MIT, RPI and SUNY. He has over 35 years of academic and executive experiences in Chemical Engineering, Energy and Environment including Climate Change. He has over 90 papers in international scientific peer reviewed journals and serving as a reviewer of several international journals. He has presented over 130 papers at national and international conferences. He is a distinguished Professor and the winner of several environmental awards and recognitions. He is a Nobel Laureate for Peace in 2007 for his contribution as a coordinating lead author of the special report on carbon capture and storage of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC).


Zeolites are porous aluminosilicates, which are very useful due to their unique features such as high surface area, porosity, ion exchange properties, etc. In recent years, nano-zeolites have been of interest among researchers, which has led to amplification in the number of papers as well as patents. One of the widely used methods to specify the level of a technology in the S-Curve is patent analysis. In this study patent analysis was applied in order to investigate some cases such as patent activity, active countries, main applicants, inventors and researchers, application domains etc. in nano-FAU and nano-ZSM-5 zeolites technologies. The procedure for patent analysis started with collecting the patents from the Internet, extracting the main CPC and IPC codes and finally applying the main Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) codes and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes in valid patent databases. The results of analysis, which was extracted from valid databases, concluded that zeolite technology is in maturity stage of the scheme of integration for technological S-Curve and patent activities and patent registration in zeolite technology are in increasing trend. Furthermore, active countries, companies and researchers were determined. Finally the main domains in zeolite application were pointed out.


John M Tomich obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Waterloo (Ontario, CANADA) and completed fellowships at the University of Delaware and Caltech. He is currently Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Kansas State University. He has published over 15o journal articles, book chapters, published patents and books. He has severed on a number of NIH study sections and serves as an external advisor to several NIH program projects. His lab’s interests have focused on utilizing Nature’s rules for peptide self-assembly to design new structures with unique properties. We currently study patented bilayer delimited nano-capsules formed by the self-assembly of branched amphipathic peptides.


Branched Amphipathic Peptide Capsules (BAPCs) are biologically derived, bilayer delimited, nano-vesicles capable of being coated by or encapsulating a wide variety of solutes. The vesicles and their cargos are readily taken up by cells and become localized in the peri-nuclear region of cells. When BAPCs are mixed with DNA, the BAPCs act as cationic nucleation centers around which DNA winds. The BAPCs-DNA nanoparticles are capable of delivering plasmid DNA and RNAs in vivo and in vitro yielding high transfection rates and minimal cytotoxicity. In this study, we inhibited expression of two insect genes, BiP and Armet, through the ingestion of dsRNA complexed with BAPCs. The dsRNA-BAPCs complexes were added to the diets of two insect species from two Orders: Acyrthosiphon pisum and Tribolium castaneum. The gene transcripts tested (BiP and Armet) are part of the unfolded protein response (UPR) and suppressing their translation resulted in lethality. For Acyrthosiphon pisum, ingestion of <10 ng of BiP-dsRNA associated with BAPCs led to the premature death of the aphids (t1/2=4 - 5 days) compared to ingestion of the same amounts of free BiP-dsRNA (t1/2=11-12 days). Tribolium was effectively killed by ingestion (by larvae only) using a combination of BiP-dsRNA and Armet-dsRNA complexed with BAPCs (75% of the subjects, n=30) died as larvae or during eclosion (the emergence of adults from pupae). Feeding the two dsRNA alone resulted in fewer deaths (30% with n=30). These results show that complexation of dsRNA with BAPCs greatly enhances the oral delivery of dsRNA over dsRNA alone in the diet. This approach provides a simpler method of delivering dsRNA compared to microinjection for studying in vivo protein

function and for developing novel strategies for pest management.


J Manjunath has obtained his Master’s degree from Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, India and has been working as a Scientist of Plant Protection, especially in Entomology. He has been involving in research in insect pest management and screening of hybrids and varieties of major crops like, foxtail millets, paddy, jowar, tobacco, and groundnut and sun flower. He is also actively involved in artificial screening of many varieties like, SiA 3085 and SiA 3156 of foxtail millets, Nandyal senaga-1 of chickpea and Nandyal pogaku-1 of tobacco which were recently released, labeled and notified in India. He published several national and international peer reviewed research papers and numerous popular articles. He used to organize several public meetings with the farmers to disseminate the crop based plant protection information to the farming community. At present, his research interest is on nano based molecules for insect management in stored grains.


Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) seed beetle (Caryedon serratus O) causes damage to the peanut seed to the extent of 20% over a period of 5 months of storage. Consequently, the economic loss recorded there by meets more or less to the production cost of the peanut. Therefore, there is an urgency to address this problem to boost the economic status of the farmers. Nanoscale materials (measured size is less than 99 nm in at least one dimension with quantum confinement) pose unusual properties compared to their bulk counter parts and use of these materials in agriculture and allied sectors is still at its infancy stage. Neem oil and neem based products are well known for their antifeedant properties against insects and are been widely used in controlling stored grain pests. However, the efficacy of neem based products in doing so is considerably low. Herein, we formulated nanoscale zinc oxide and nanoscale chitosan based neem oil and NSKE formulations for the first time and evaluated these nanoparticulate formulations against peanut seed beetle over a period of 6 months. The results revealed that up to 4 months there was no infestation, no pod damage and adult emergence with nanoparticulate formulation treatments which was more unlikely with the control (No application). Peanut pod weight loss (54.61%) and pod damage by count (3.82%) was significantly low with nanochitosan encapsulated NSKE compared to control (83.7%, 49.3% respectively). Thus nanoparticulate encapsulation of neem based products significantly affects the infestation of peanut beetle and pod damage thereby.


Dar-Bin Shieh holds the title of Distinguished Professor, Institute of Oral Medicine, College of Medicine, and National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). His research interests include nanomedicine, oral diagnosis and pathology, molecular biology, cancer biology, cryo-EM, mitochondria. He is a recipient of many major awards, including, the Nano Elite Award, Ministry of Economics, Taiwan and the Outstanding Research Award of Taiwan National Science Council. He holds a numbers of international patents, including one on nano-carrier, complex of anticancer drug, pharmaceutical composition and complex manufacturing for treating cancer. He and the PI have collaborated since 2012 on the molecular and cellular basis of chemoresistance in ovarian and head- and-neck cancers, and have recently published jointly two seminal papers (PNAS and International Journal of Cancer).


Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has emerged to be an important cause of global healthcare-associated infection. Resistance of CD spores to various preventive and therapeutic measures post a significant threat in CDI. Nanomaterials have been explored for potential applications in anti-microbials with intrinsic advantages of low drug-resistance issue and high efficacy. We discovered the 22 nm octahedral Fe3-δO4 single crystal nanoparticles with a strong inhibitory effect to CD spore germination in vitro and in vivo. The nanocrystals presented excellent saturation magnetization (94emu/g) close to the bulk due to the presence of alpha iron. Such particle showed a dose dependent inhibition of CD spores germination (62% growth inhibition at 50 μg/mL) for 20 minutes of exposure. At 500 μg/mL, the inhibition rate is close to that of sodium hypochloride. CDI animal model established in NF-κB-reporter mice using oral gavage with CD spores presented significant bowel inflammation in the MOCK compared to Fe3-δO4 nanoparticle treated group as revealed by in vivo imaging system. Slayer protein and a conserved hypothetical protein were released from CD spores after for 20 minutes of Fe3-δO4 nanoparticle exposure. Cryo-electron tomography clearly showed binding of the nanoparticles to CD spores’ surface followed by disruption of the spores. Pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-1β, TNF-α, and INF-γ and inflammatory cell infiltrations were significantly suppressed after nanoparticle treatment. These results provide nano-material based strategy for CDI control and potential therapeutic mechanisms that encourage further clinical translational development.


Alexandre Loukanov has completed his PhD from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Japan and DSc (Doctor of Sciences) from University for Mining and Geology, Sofia, Bulgaria. He is currently working as a Professor at Saitama University, Japan, invited Professor at Arkansas University for Medical Sciences, USA and Vice President of the European Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association. He has published more than 60 research articles in the fields of Basic and Medical Nanotechnology.


Nanocomposites made of iron oxide core, which is covalently capped with carbon nanodots have significant inhibitory effect on B16F10 cancer cells in the presence of near infrared irradiation (NIR). The reason is because the N-doped carbon nanodots (C-dots) can convert the lower energy NIR to higher energy blue light, which induce emission of electrons from the semiconductive Fe2O3 and generate reactive oxygen species. This process is known as up conversion photoluminescence and the subsequent photocatalytic oxidation was proved by bleaching of the organic dye rhodamine B. The inhibition effect of Fe2O3@C-dots was measured on the breast cancer cells B16F10 by in vitro scratch bioassay. In dark condition the nanomaterial exhibit minimal toxicity to the cells. However, by treatment with NIR irradiation in the range 700 ~ 800 nm the cancer cells were inhibited. The next step was to modify the nanocomposite Fe2O3@C-dots with oligonucleotide aptamers in order to achieve a structural recognition of cellular wall with followed higher specificity to cancer cells. Our experiments demonstrated that the normal cells are not object of inhibition, because they have enzymes to destroy such DNA nanomachines. Nevertheless, it remains toxic to the cancer cell which has lack of ability to protect from the nanomachines toxic effect. In conclusion, the photoactivatable iron oxide@Cdots–aptamer nanomachine may potentially be exploited in the photodynamic-related applications in the cancer therapy.


Kenneth J Woycechowsky has expertise in the assembly, folding, function, and engineering of proteins. His work on protein capsid assembly and the engineering of protein capsids to construct novel molecular encapsulation systems helps lay the ground work for next-generation nanoreactors and drug delivery systems. He has experience in research and teaching at universities in China, the USA, and Switzerland. He obtained a BS in Chemistry from Penn State University and a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research training emphasized a multi-disciplinary approach to tackling cutting-edge problems in protein structure and function. He is currently a Professor in the School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology at Tianjin University.


Statement of the Problem: Protein capsids form closed shell structures via self-assembly that can host various cargo molecules in their hollow interiors. These molecular containers can be useful for applications such as drug delivery, nanoreactors, and materials synthesis. These applications often require the encapsulation of cargo molecules followed by their eventual release from the capsid. However, general methods for loading and unloading cargo molecules are lacking. My research aims to endow protein capsids with the ability to encapsulate different cargo molecules and to develop non-denaturing cargo release mechanisms.


Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The capsids formed by bacterial lumazine synthases (LS’s) are attractive structures for engineering molecular encapsulation systems. Using DNA mutagenesis and covalent protein modification methods, LS capsids and potential guests were convergently engineered to generate interactions that are localized to the capsid interior and that can potentially be modulated by changing the solution conditions. Structural and functional characterizations of the resulting complexes are carried out using biochemical and biophysical techniques.


Findings: Using a charge complementarity strategy, engineered LS capsids were loaded with RNA cargoes during bacterial production. Similarly, a natural LS capsid was loaded with a protein bearing a peptide tag derived from its native guest. The protein cargo was released from the capsid by a mild change in the buffer conditions. Lastly, small-molecule cargo was loaded into an intact engineered LS capsid using a two-step thiol-disulfide exchange process. The resulting disulfide bond linking the cargo to the capsid can be broken by reducing agents, allowing diffusion of the cargo out of the capsid.


Conclusion & Significance: These strategies for reversible guest encapsulation extend the functional versatility of the LS capsid as a scaffold for bionanotechnology. The ability to control both cargo loading and release should be particularly useful for the development of new drug delivery systems.


T N V K V Prasad is now Senior Scientist and In-Charge of Nanotechnology laboratory at Institute of Frontier Technology, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Tirupati, and recognized as National Resource Person in Nanotechnology, India. He completed his MS and PhD in Physics with Materials Science specialization from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam India. He received prestigious Endeavour Research Award from the Govt. of Australia in 2010 to pursue Post-doctoral research in Nanotechnology at University of South Australia, Australia. He also did Post-doctoral research in Nanotechnology at University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA in 2011. He introduced the concept of Agri-nanotechnology (Applications of nanotechnology in agriculture and allied science) and filed/sanctioned two patents. More than 100 research papers were published in peer-reviewed journals and authored two book chapters and coined the term Phyconanotechnology. He received prestigious Dr. AV Krishnaiah gold medal for best research in Agricultural Sciences. He also received many best presentation awards in national and international conferences. He was the Founder Secretary of Society of Agri-Nanotechnology and Organizing Secretary of AgriNANO-2015. He visited many countries including USA, Australia, Malaysia, and Thailand as a delegate of high-level committee to study the agricultural curriculum. Currently, his research focus is on the development of agriculturally beneficial nanoscale materials and study of their behavior in agro-ecosystems.


Agri-nanotechnology (Application of nanotechnology in agriculture and allied sciences) is considered to be one of the emerging branches of Nano biotechnology. Nanoparticulate delivery of nutrients into crop plants was promising and proved to be enhancing the productivity, quality and nutrient bio fortification. Zinc is one of the important micronutrients required by crop plants and its role is vital in stimulation of biochemical processes (co-factor of all the six classes of enzymes) and nutrient absorption. Zinc has the ability of providing resistance to the cultivating plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. However, compared to other micronutrients, zinc deficiencies are wide spread and affect crop yields significantly across the globe. Zinc deficiency alone contributes to the tune of 20-30% crop yield loss and sufficiency of zinc increases the disease resistance and reproductively in humans. Therefore, the essentiality of zinc supplement concerns not only crop productivity but also human health. Foliar application (twice) of nanoscale zinc oxide (n-ZnO) relatively enhanced the yields of groundnut to the extent of 30%. Approximately, 15% yield enhancement has been recorded in maize with the foliar application of spherical shaped n-ZnO with mean size of 25 nm. Interestingly, with the application of 100 ppm of n-ZnO, the grain zinc content was increased to 36 ppm. Cabbage and cauliflower crops responded well to the n-ZnO by recording significant yields (12%) over other forms of zinc supplement tested and similar results were recorded with the black gram crop (18% yield enhancement). Thus, nanoparticulate delivery of plant nutrients, zinc in particular, is effective and ensures second green revolution through nanotechnology.

  • Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology | Impact of Nano Biotechnology | Regulation of Nanotechnology | Nano-Biomaterials
Location: USA


Gerd Kaupp

University of Oldenburg, Germany

Session Introduction

Ibrahim Ismail

Zewail City for Science and Technology, Egypt

Title: Synthesis, characterization and biocidal effect of copper nanoparticles

Ibrahim Ismail has done his PhD from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1999. He worked on Material Science and their applications in Environment and Energy fields in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Institute of Research and Innovation, Cairo University and Zewail City for Science and Technology. He published more than 70 articles, one book chapter and submitted one patent.


A chemical reduction method was used to produce highly stable and dispersed copper nanoparticles. In this method, copper salt (copper (II) chloride dihydrate; CuCl2.2H2O and copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate; CuSO4.5H2O) were used as precursor. L-ascorbic acid was used as reducing and capping agent. The effect of reaction time and molar ratios of L-ascorbic acid to copper salt on the size of copper nanoparticles were studied. The particle size and morphology of copper nanoparticles were measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that increasing time of reaction and increasing the molar ratio of L-ascorbic acid to copper salt decrease the size of copper nanoparticles. The size of copper nanoparticles was found less than 10 nm and spherical in shape. The copper nanoparticles colloidal solution was kept in ambient conditions for more than three months but no change was observed. The use of L-ascorbic acid has the advantage of non-toxic, low cost and environmental friendly production process. Antimicrobial tests of copper nanoparticles were carried out on different types of bacteria (Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria) and fungi. The prepared aqueous solutions of copper nanoparticles were diluted to different concentrations and 10 μl of each dilution was spotted on the overlay of each bacterial culture by impregnating the as-synthesized copper nanoparticles using micropipette on paper discs. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is defined as the lowest concentration of each sample at which visible inhibition of bacterial growth was induced and zone of inhibition was measured after 24 h of incubation. After completion of the MIC assay, the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was also assessed. The results showed that the copper nanoparticles exhibited antimicrobial activity and that the lower the particles, the higher the biocidal effect on both bacteria and fungi.


Shaukat Ayesha has completed her BS in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Electronic Engineering from Dawood Collage Karachi in 2006. In 2007, she joined Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS) as a Lecturer. In 2010, she got Fulbright scholarship and did her Master’s in Electrical Engineering from University of Missouri Columbia, USA. In 2013, she rejoined BUITEMS as an Assistant Professor and is also Chairing Department of Electrical Engineering.


This study demonstrates the comparison of silicon nanowire field effect transistor (SiNWTs) and carbon nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFETs) using FETTOY, a nano device simulator. In this regard, effect of different structural parameters like oxide thickness, gate controlled parameter, thickness of dielectric material of all the structures are analyzed. Results of quantum capacitance, drain current v/s drain voltage, drain current v/s gate voltage, drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL), threshold swing, and injection velocity, on and off current and output conductance for each structure at different temperature will be discussed.


Zinetula (Zeke) Insepov is an adjunct professor in the School of Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University and a professor in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). He is the chief scientist and head of the Nanosynergy Laboratory at Nazarbayev University. He has previously held positions at Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Kyoto University, Epion Japan, and Argonne National Laboratory. His research focuses on the fundamental physics of ion beam materials processing, including very-low-energy ion–solid interactions. He developed cluster ion beam interaction simulation programs based on molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods. He also predicted a new lateral sputtering phenomenon that is a driving force behind the efficient atomistic smoothening mechanism of surfaces irradiated by large gas cluster ions. Recently, he predicted a nanopumping effect and is developing a new device that allows pump gases and liquids via nanometer-scale channels.


Surface acoustic wave stimulated transport of charge carriers generated in semiconductors and dielectrics under the influence of light is of great interest for the increase of the solar cell efficiency. A prospective application of SAW in solar cells could provide a 90% increase of the cell efficiency. SAWs propagating in piezoelectric crystals (piezoelectric semiconductor GaN and GaAs crystals included) have opposite potential values in the SAW minima and maxima due to the piezoelectric effect. The charges are then transported by SAW to the solar cell exit at the sound speed. By applying SAW in solar cells, the area of charge “harvest” from the surface of a semiconductor structure or a piezoelectric crystal can be increased and, hence, the solar cell efficiency can be increased too. In this work, the excited charge carriers were transported to a few hundreds of microns using surface acoustic waves. To visualize the charge transport, the electron beam induced current method (EBIC) was used which permits the visualization of charge distribution on the crystal surface by measuring the current flowing through the sample. Charges introduced by the primary electron beam and those generated in the crystal subsurface area are distributed between SAW minima and maxima according to the potential sign and are then carried by SAW at the acoustic wave velocity to the current collector at the exit. The YZ-cut of a LiNbO3 crystal was used to visualize the acoustically stimulated charge transport. To register the charge transport a Graphene IDT (current collector) was fabricated on the LiNbO3 crystal surface. The Graphene film was formed on the crystal surface by the transfer technique and the initial Graphene was synthesized on the surface of a Cu foil or a Ni film by CVD. Charge distribution on the surface of the YZ-cut of the LiNbO3 crystal was simultaneously visualized by the EBIC method. An EBIC image on the crystal surface during SEM scanning was obtained by measuring the current on the Graphene collector. Fig.1 presents an image of the crystal surface obtained by the EBIC method. The period of the structure is 60 m, which corresponds to the SAW wavelength of λ = 60 m, i.e. charges are distributed between the minima and maxima of the SAW. A lighter contrast corresponds to positive charges and the darker – to negative charges. In the area of the Graphene current collector, current is distributed in accordance with the structure period. The period of the observed image is 120 m, which is a double period of the Graphene IDT. A periodic modulation of the EBIC contrast with the period of Λ = 60 m can be seen on the free crystal surface, which corresponds to the distribution of positive and negative charges between the SAW minima and maxima. In the area of the Graphene current collector, a periodic structure with the period of 120 m and of a very high contrast (ratio of minima and maxima) is observed, which conforms to the Graphene IDT registration of charges delivered by SAW. The coincidence of the distribution of periods of positive and negative charges with the maxima and minima SAW, and the immutability of the distribution around the SAW propagation tract indicate that the charges are transferred to the current collector output device with acoustic wave velocity SAW.


Giovana C Bodnar is a PhD student from Londrina State University, Brazil, and she is doing an internship in Oklahoma State University. She had studied about natural antimicrobials against human pathogens and multi-resistant bacteria. She works with biological silver nanoparticle obtained from Fusarium oxysporum and eugenol. This study can help to develop another option for treatment. Her interest includes application of this compound which showed synergistic effects and the molecular interaction with bacteria.


Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive human pathogen related to foodborne illness. The organism occurs widely in food, involving meat, poultry, and seafood products that are generally caused by cross-contamination of foods contacting L. monocytogenes-contaminated surfaces. The ability to persist in food-processing environments and multiply under refrigeration temperatures makes this bacterium a significant threat to public health. Food processors have relied on techniques, that include hand washing, high pressure sprays, hypochlorites, iodophores and quaternary ammonium compounds to reduce or eliminate microorganisms on food contact surfaces. Microorganisms that might be on the surface of equipment which may eventually come in contact with raw and processed food should be inactive and remove by these techniques. Even with the use of these techniques, bacteria can persist on equipment and surfaces used in the food industry and may survive for prolonged periods. The periodic problems with Listeria in foods, has stimulated research interest in finding natural and effective preservatives and increasing demand for better-quality disinfection methods due to microorganisms resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents. Silver nanoparticles biological synthetized (bio-AgNP) acts as an antimicrobial substance against a number of pathogenic microorganisms, including food-borne pathogens. The aim of this research was evaluate the antibacterial activity of bio-AgNP against foodborne pathogenic bacteria L. monocytogenes 99-38 strongest biofilm producer. Silver nanoparticle used in these tests were obtained after reduction of silver nitrate by Fusarium oxysporum. Microplate growth inhibition assay was used to verify the inhibitory action of bio-AgNP in different concentrations (1mM, 500uM, 250uM and 125uM) against L. monocytogenes. The results show that high concentrations are able to kill the bacteria, and lower concentration are able to extend the lag phase. Results showed the action of bio-AgNP against L. monocytogenes, suggesting their utilization in various applications particularly as antibacterial substance in food packaging, food preservation to protect against various dreadful foodborne pathogenic bacteria.