World Congress on Regulations of Nanotechnology
Chicago, USA

Zinetula (Zeke) Insepov
Purdue University, USA
Zinetula (Zeke) Insepov is an adjunct professor in the School of Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University and a professor in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). He is the chief scientist and head of the Nanosynergy Laboratory at Nazarbayev University. He has previously held positions at Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Kyoto University, Epion Japan, and Argonne National Laboratory. His research focuses on the fundamental physics of ion beam materials processing, including very-low-energy ion–solid interactions. He developed cluster ion beam interaction simulation programs based on molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods. He also predicted a new lateral sputtering phenomenon that is a driving force behind the efficient atomistic smoothening mechanism of surfaces irradiated by large gas cluster ions. Recently, he predicted a nanopumping effect and is developing a new device that allows pump gases and liquids via nanometer-scale channels.
Abstract : Surface Acoustic Wave Stimulated Charge Transport in Solids